<Breathing Area>, 2014
<Looking at BukAk Mountain>, 2014 <Light Green Leaves with Light>, 2012 <Encountering Two Times>, 2012
<Playground_slides>, 2011 <Playground_dock>, 2011 <Playground>, 2011
<Bridge>, 2009 <Bridge>, 2009 <Encounter - Tree>, 2009
<Encounter - Sea>, 2009 <Encounter - Scene: morning sky)>, 2009 <Encounter -Scene: grass field>, 2009
CorrespondingIII, 2006 <Corresponding3> <Doors>, 2002
<a Billiard table>, 2001 <Sun Rising>, 2000 <the Willow tree>, 2000
<the Ways..>, 2000 <White Space in Black Box>, 2000 <WaterFall>, 2000
<WaterFall>, 1999 <Melting Ice>, 1999 <Game -GawiBawiBo>, 1999
<the Sea - recognition of sea space>, 1998 <the Fire - recognition of fire space>, 1998  
Game -GawiBawiBo
video installation, 1999.12
plaster figure ( hand size ), video pojector, video player
The screen shows two hand figure plasters and the projection images also has two hands, playing 'Gawi, Bawi, Bo'('Paper, Rock, Scissors') game. In the game there are always winners and losers. On the other hand, when viewers pay their attention to them, they can find that condition of that game is a stalemate during the game. It is because that the screen shows the same status behind virtual projecting images. From the starting point the two players are always showing 'Bo(Paper)' It represents the interesting and ironic relationship between real and virtual images.
movie(wmv) (no sound)