<Breathing Area>, 2014
<Looking at BukAk Mountain>, 2014 <Light Green Leaves with Light>, 2012 <Encountering Two Times>, 2012
<Playground_slides>, 2011 <Playground_dock>, 2011 <Playground>, 2011
<Bridge>, 2009 <Bridge>, 2009 <Encounter - Tree>, 2009
<Encounter - Sea>, 2009 <Encounter - Scene: morning sky)>, 2009 <Encounter -Scene: grass field>, 2009
CorrespondingIII, 2006


<Doors>, 2002
<a Billiard table>, 2001

<Sun Rising>, 2000

<the willow tree>,2000
<the Ways..>, 2000 <White Space in Black Box>, 2000 <WaterFall>, 2000
<WaterFall>, 1999 <Melting Ice>, 1999 <Game -GawiBawiBo>, 1999
<the Sea - recognition of sea space>, 1998 <the Fire - recognition of fire space>, 1998  
조우(遭遇) - 장면들 #3: 바다 (Encounter – Scene #3: the sea)
video installation , 2009
3 LCD screens, 3 DVD players

“나무 (a tree)”는 하나의 대상이지만 우리의 기억 속에 그것은 결코 하나의 모습이지 않다.

“A tree” is a single object, but in our memory it does not have only a single image.”


정지된 듯 아주 느리게 움직이는 화면이 마치 페인팅의 화면과 같이 보이는, 추상 화면의 미니멀 페인팅적 배열과 같은 미니멀 비디오 스크린을 구상하였다. 다중 모니터들에서 대칭 혹은 사선으로 연결되는 영상들은 스크린 사이의 벽이 보이는 틈을 통해 연결 혹은 분리될 수 있으며 마치 두 개 혹은 세 개의 스크린이 하나의 작품을 만들어가며 추상적 이미지를 만들어내기도 한다.

I tried to create a video screen, which shows a slow video images almost looking like an image on a static painting, or images by abstract expressionists or by minimalists. Multiple screens that are displayed slightly slanting or in a shape of the pinwheel. Through the white space in between the individual screens, they can be interconnected or divided and sometime the individual screens create the one of abstract image. This series of work experiments the form of the screen and the composition of the multiple screens, the in-between relationship of static images and moving images, and embodiment and abstraction.


installed at 3rd Solo Exhibition <Encounter-Bridge>,
Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, April 10~ May 5, 2009



LCD panels were supported by